Tuesday, October 14, 2014


  • 2014 Golf Wrap-up
  • ·         Wow! The weather was super. May be 4 degrees too warm; but, that’s why we go to South Carolina.
  • ·         Orangeburg C. C. was rated best course in the area. A must return!
  • ·         Five players won back their investment of $80.00.
  • ·         The four man scramble proves to be a repeat favorite of the week.
  • ·         The two man-scramble was also a keeper.
  • ·         On the down-side, the alternating–shot format produced high scores and low reviews.
  • ·         Back to Santee National Condos next year?
  • Individual Performance:
  • ·         Ok, How ‘bout that Carlos? When a player averages 4.8 strokes below his handicap, he surely will win some money.  Three first places and a second place.  24 handicap? My calculator is working overtime.
  • ·         George Patton, Hello….. George. Good-bye….. our money. He came to us with an 18 and that’s how he played. 5 greenies put him in a tie for second. “Old blood and guts” was paired with Sal in the two man.  These two solid players finished second in both two man events making them the money team.
  • ·         Don, our low handicapper, still managed to win the low gross title proving that he is the “the-dog-with-the-bone”.  How do you out-score everybody and still raise your handicap for next year?  Don earned the greenie-sweep award by taking 7 big ones, 4 of which came to him on Sunday afternoon.
  • ·         Ray, well-dressed and well-seasoned, we watched the man from three-rivers, take two seconds and one third to quietly acquire wealth at our expense. Nibbling away at the prize money and finishing with a first place with the “Don” in the alternating-shot competition.  Don’t forget the 4 greenies.
  • ·         The almighty and noble Philmeister managed another pretty good year. One dollar over break-even.  5 greenies: tied with “the General” for second. Phil needed that $17.50 to be in the black. Thanks for all your work arranging the event.
  • ·         Girts aka “Smooth-as-Silk”, had moments of brilliance and other types of moments. He was able to break the ‘Carlos spell’ on the weekend with his first place finish on Saturday. Girts probably had more greenies stolen than any other player. Ooops, $16 short of break-even.
  • ·         Sal played well. Third in low gross by only 3 strokes over 4 rounds, he was shackled by a 16 handicap.  A different 4-man scramble team would have helped.  George P and Sal were a great match-up for the two-man. At the end of the day they were seen holding hands.  Their future looks bright.
  • ·         George B, This year a new record was established. Three consecutive last place finishes. One greenie! By the way, it’s true. I did hug Carlos. One must love their financial savior. Enjoy spending my money. Next year, maybe, maybe not.