We made it to Russia. Will we make it back?
Yesterday, we toured the Grand Palace of Peteroff.
The palace was magnificent. Gold leaf on much of the wood work and statuary.
The grounds were beautiful just like the weather to which we have been accustomed.
(I'll post some photos later as the ship changes $.75 per minute for Internet access.)
Last night, we went to the ballet and saw a full length production of "Swan Lake".
The dancing and music were excellent.
The facility had no air conditioning. We cooked. Normally with maximum temperatures of 75 F, there is no need for AC; but, it's been over 85 F for the past few days in Scandinavia with clear skies.
The freaky part it the length of days. We returned to the ship at 11:00 PM and it was still bright outside. The ship's advisory TV station says that sunset was at 11:20PM with sunrise at 4:40 AM. We are the eastern end of the time zone so the sunset is later. They use Daylight Savings Time. Somehow that does seem to make much sense when the daylight lasts 20 hours.
Today, we will be going on a canal tour of St. Petersburg. This is some place with 4 million people here. It is quite busy. Not as many bicycles as Stockholm, Copenhagen , or Helsinski.
You will be happy to know that they do drive Fords, Chevys, as well as Opels, VW's, Mazdas, Nissans, Hundyai's, and Toyotas. None of which seems to be dominant.
More to come. George & Diane