Wednesday, September 25, 2013

ESSA: Results from the last race of the season.

The big news: Tango 22 did not finish last.

Series 3, Race 6 - September 18, 2013 at 6:00 PM

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 6:00:14, Distance: 2.52, Course: I-B-A-I, Wind dir: W, Ave wind: 6
TallyBoatClassHelmNameSailNo PHRF RankFinish Elapsed CorrectedAve speed Points
8 Epicure J-29  Jack B 31628 111  1 6:35:49  0:35:35  0:30:55   4.249 kn 1.0
7 Lazy Ethel Catalina 27  Dotty H 877 213  2 6:41:09  0:40:55  0:31:58   3.695 kn 2.0
16 No Name J-29  Joe B 267 114  3 6:37:18  0:37:04  0:32:17   4.079 kn 3.0
6 Reveille Tartan 33  Tom J 43181 126  4 6:40:19  0:40:05  0:34:47   3.772 kn 4.0
11 Adventure Kwest Cal 39  Paul W23814 126  5   OOD         4.5
1 Tango 22 Tanzer 22  George B 135 240  6 6:55:02 0: 54:48  0:44:43   2.759 kn 5.0
10 Capella Catalina 30  Tom M2631 190  7 6:54:22  0:54:08  0:46:09   2.793 kn 6.0
12 Sea Hawk Merit 25  John M 4112 174  8 6:55:17  0:55:03  0:47:45   2.747 kn 7.0
3 Touche Comet  Bob D 53462 132  9 6:54:50  0:54:36  0:49:03   2.769 kn 8.0
2 Dudley DoRight Hunter 336  Dave B 93359 156 10 7:04:52  1:04:38  0:58:05   2.339 kn 9.0
9 If... Catalina 35  Greig M 330 168 11 7:06:09 1:05:55  0:58:52     2.294 kn 10.0
4 Aura J-100  Bob G 93487 96 12   DNC         12.0
5 North Star Pearson 33  Fred G 8805 162 12   DNC         12.0
15 Carpe Ventum Hunter 340  Jay V H340 171 12   DNC         12.0
14 Sawdust Catalina 34  Bill L 1037 162 12   DNC         12.0
13 Madras III Hughes 38  Lee B             82 159 12   DNC         12.0

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Racing on the Choptank

Wednesday evening on the Choptank River, Cambridge, MD
The wind was a steady 10-15 knots.
This was good sailing weather for the weekly race.
The larger boats take the lead on the first leg of the race.
Beating the wind on a close hauled tack.

This is George on TANGO 22. I have the smallest and therefore slowest boat in the fleet.
This week I had to sail solo so I went short sail using my working jib instead of my 135 Genoa. The working jib is much easier to handle when tacking; however, the smaller jib is a disadvantage on a downwind run. Nevertheless, I was able to maintain 5 knots despite the jib.  
"IF" is a Catalina 35 cruiser that TANGO 22 managed to track through most of the race.  I closed the gap big time on the downwind run; but, they pulled away on the beam reach back to the finish line.

Cruising along at 5.5 knots. Hull speed for a Tanzer 22 is 6.1 knots.
The leaders get their rails wet. This looks scarier when you're on the boat. 

That's Tango 22 chasing the fleet.  
Of the 10 boats sailing, Tango 22 finished last.  After handicap adjustment, 9th place was mine. The winner came in at 59:24. Tango 22 came finished at 1:09:02.
Using a Genoa would have shaved off a few minutes.

 Distance: 5.07, Course: I-A-H-D-Finish, Wind dir: SE, Ave wind: 12

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Stuckie and Friends Go Fishing.

Monday, May 6, 2013, was Rockfish day for us.

Seven people, Seven fish!
By regulation, this time of year all Rockfish must be over 28 inches with a limit of one per fisherman per day.

All eyes on the fish. Smile for the camera.
The big one is mine!

Captain Perry Davidson of Excalibur.
One of the few good men that can clean fish and tell jokes at the same time.

Three measured 36 inches each and tipped the scale at approximately 17 lbs.
All caught fish measured over 30 inches.
After catching our limit and recovering the lines, two more Rockfish took the bait but, of course, were released. (They could have been yours.)

Despite the overcast weather, the attitude was sunny all morning. We were back on the dock by 10:30.
Next year maybe you will join us.

The "Rockfish Seven". left to right.
Jack, Leo, Rob, George, Phil, Lynne, Terry.
We didn't get the names of the fish.
However, Bubba is still out there.

See you at the dock, Captain Stuckie

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sweetwater awaits, May 17 - 20.

This year the crew returns for a full four day cruise of the Chesapeake.
Sweetwater is a 50 foot, Jeanneau 50DS, yacht.  (In person it looks bigger than this.)

We depart as always from Annapolis on Friday morning after a pleasurable reunion of the crew on Thursday evening. the boat leaves at 8:00 AM (8 bells). Hopefully, the grog has worn off and the political and religious arguments have been resolved before departure. We do this better than Congress.


from left to right:
Joe Seahammer, Joey Nadles, Paul the Welsher, Cap'n Stuckie, Irish-John, Aye-Pacch, Joel Loxsmith, Jeffrey O'Ky.
Nice parrot, Joe!

Captain Stuckie has set the course to include a visit to the fine deep water port of Cambridge for a Friday night arrival. This gives us a chance for a visit to the new lighthouse and a feast at one of the many brew halls. Rough housing and wenching will be the primary activity. (We only wish.)

Saturday will lead us to the distant port of Solomons on the Patuxent River.  Zanisher's Marina will welcome our presence.  More dining and drinking is on the agenda. Perhaps some pillaging will be in order, perhaps not.

Sunday takes us north to Herrington Harbor. Our return visit will place us at the table for more fine dining.  Splitting the check is always a challenge.

On Monday, we pass Thomas Shoal Lighthouse on our northbound voyage to Annapolis.  Last year we left with 7 and returned with a crew of 8. The year previous it was the reverse.  All and all, things seem to balance out and that  is good.

Here's a good looking couple that we don't know having a pleasant moment at Thomas Shoal Lighthouse.

17 May 2013 - 20 May 2013, Jeanneau 50DS, Sweetwater, Annapolis, MD

Prepare to come about....

Annual Fishing Trip - May 6

Monday, May 6, 6:00 AM

Let's hope that this year we catch our limit.

Meet Jack.  He just caught Bubba's little brother.