Thursday, October 30, 2008

Annapolis to Hampton, VA

Thanks to all my friends & family for your "BonVoyages".

CatAway left Annapolis at sunrise.
Winds were 25-30 knots with gusts to 45!
Very manly, at triple reef, we cut 8 knots or better on a beam to broad reach all the way to Solomons, MD. 45 Nautical miles. Made it to the dock by 2:00 PM.

89 nm to Hampton, VA. Winds, 20-25 knots. Beam to close haul, starboard tack.
Single reefing, brave? yes. However, this boat is very stable.
average for the day: 7.5 knots 89 nautical miles.
left at 7:30 AM, arrived after dark in Hampton, VA around 9:30 PM.
It was dark and a little scary following a shallow channel to the marina.
Made it safely and easily.

Attended a Gulf Stream weather report meeting.
Gulf stream sailing tactics.
Demonstration of life raft deployment. eeek!
(real stuff!)


1 comment:

Dana said...

Very cool. Have tons of fun!