Saturday, June 27, 2009

Rome, DAY 3, Saturday, June 21, 2009

We took a guided tour to Ancient Rome. After a short bus ride, we walked the coliseum. The coliseum was built some time around 200 B.C. and was in service for 600 years. It seated about 80,000. Not unlike Philadelphia's’s Veterans Stadium except that it was in service 20 times longer. It had a complete system to house animals and mechanisms to lift the animals and gladiators to the arena floor. Once again, many of the adornments of marble were removed for other architectural projects. The cathedral builders found it much cheaper than quarrying new marble.
The Roman Forum was the next stop. Caesar walked the same streets as us.

The Arch of Triumph through which the Romans marched their conquered victims was still in nearly perfect condition. There were several illustrations of their newly captured slaves with chains & shackles on the Arch.
One of the structures columns had deep scars where a pope attempted to destroy the pagan artifacts by pulling them down. The Romans just built things too well.

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