Sunday, January 3, 2010

Venice, Italy, Day 13,14, June 30, 2009

As the Ruby Princess entered the main channel on the south side of Venice, 3000 passengers rushed to the starboard side of the ship to enjoy the view. Now this is a big ship but, 3000 well-feed passengers four deep on the rail can cause the ship to heel. The photograph is not an illusion. The ship is heeled over to starboard about 3-5 degrees. The swimming pool water on the eighteen deck was two inches deeper on the starboard side.

Piasano! Someone was glad to see us. I think that he was inviting us to dinner. We didn't get his address.
This is Saint Mark's Square. It is the heart of Venice. In evening, multiple restaurants stage fine orchestras on the square to attract patrons.

Hilton's Stucky Molino, formerly a factory, was where we stayed for the last three days of our journey. It is located an island on the south side of the channel.

Joe, Linda, Diane and George on the upper deck. Our last sunset on the Ruby Princess.

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